COVIDCapture Technology

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Capture Technology

COVIDCapture Technology

Proven capability to eliminate 99.9% of the SARS-CoV-2
virus from the air in independent laboratory testing
The Defender's "COVID Capture Technology" has been independently
tested to eliminate and destroy the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
“COVID Capture Technology” means that the Defender has been independently tested and found to eliminate 99.9% of SARS-CoV -2 in a real-world setting (1,000 cubic foot space) within 90 minutes. Additional testing of the viability of the captured pathogen found that at least 95% of the captured pathogen in the filter was no longer viable after just the first 24 hours. The test utilized the CDC recommended MS2 Bacteriophage testing meeting the capture requirements set by the FDA Guidelines.”
Proven capability to eliminate 99.9% within 90 minutes and destroy over 95% within 24 hours.
99.9% reduction in 90 minutes. 95% destroyed within 24 hours. See the efficacy study summary in its entirety. Download the study here.
Independently tested by a University Hospital Infection Control Team
Conclusion from a hospital testing the FilterQueen Defender air purifier (FQD):
"Despite its compactness and significantly lower price (80% less as compared to standard mobile HEPA filters), the FQD has shown to be highly effective in purifying air, as expressed by the lower particle count and absence of fungal spores within 1 hour. Based upon this experience, we decided to purchase multiple FQD devices that are now routinely used throughout the hospital in high-risk settings, such as during construction works or to prevent airborne infection in isolation rooms."
Used by doctors to mitigate the risk associated with aerosolized infections
From waiting rooms, the crowded lobbies, to patient rooms, medical professionals are using the Defender air purifier to help. See what doctors are saying:
"With the amount of patient traffic and doctors we have in our clinic, I've gone ahead and put the Defender in each of our three office locations to try to mitigate the risk associated with aerosolized infections."

–MK Batra, MD

필터퀸 한국총판 (주)훼밀리월드

상호명: 훼밀리월드    대표자: 이경희    사업자번호: 212-21-92694
경기도 하남시 미사강변서로22, 707호    대표전화 02-3431-0202    팩스 02-567-0777
통신판매업신고번호: 제 2014-서울송파-0825호

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